Category NeoBlogs

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Alteva named Internet Telephony Product of the Year

Alteva was named internet telephony product of the year by TCMNet.  Known for their Unified Communications bringing email, chat, video and telephone together in one easy to manage collaborative package that is also a cost reducer for all companies large…

Save Money in the Datacenter with VMWare

[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=-PDOQ0oLny0&width=450&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3448″ /] This video is a nice demonstration of how VMware in the datacenter can save you serious money by automatically managing your hardware.

Full Managed Services now Available

Neo Dataworks is proud to announce that they now offer full managed services to new or existing customers.  Whether your company is small or large, and regardless of how many computers and laptops you have, we can efficiently and effectively…

Are SIP trunks right for your company?

SIP trunks are a relatively new way to bring voice traffic into your company.  These are trunks that are delivered through the internet or some other form of IP traffic.  This is a move away from traditional T1s that were…

Symantec – Antivirus from the Cloud

  As an IT professional in my former life, one of the most time consuming and annoying aspects of my job was to maintain the antivirus server in our environment.  This was never a fail safe process, you either had definition…

South Jersey Health and Wellness moves to the cloud!

  In a complete overhaul of their network, SJH&W implemented a solution using Meraki wireless and an MX60 firewall to complete a redundant connection to the internet.  Giving the ability to offer their patients wireless internet without putting their company…

Successful Meraki Wireless Deployment

          We at Neo Dataworks recently deployed 19 new Wireless access points to a client’s warehouse. This represented a complete overhaul of their wireless infrastructure. The deployment took a total of two days for installation and…

Filtering the results of WordPress Query

  WordPress is a very powerful web site right out of the box.  you can find a host, download and install Worpress in 5 minutes and then load a theme to get your basic structure up and running.  After developing…